Thứ Tư , Tháng Hai 12 2025
Home / Tour khám phá / Tra Que vegetable villages

Tra Que vegetable villages

Tra Que is a charming little village located just a few kilometres from Northeast of Hoi An. Its location is between De Vong river and Tra Que alga pond (Cam Ha commune – Hoi An town). This village is famous for many kinds of vegetables in a long time: lettuce, salad, houttuynia, flagrant knoutwed, basil and coriander vegetables etc., The village is named after the sweet scented vegetables that spice up the everyday meals of the Hoi An people. Here a new spirit for traditional Hoi An dishes like Cao Lau, Quang noodles, the local ‘Tam huu’ spring roll (made from Tra Que vegetables) and cake with meat (Banh xeo) has been enlivened.

tra que vegetable village - hoian services
The foreigner plant vegetable


Depart from your hotel and ride bicycle in 30 minutes to Tra Que herb village. Take a short stroll around the vegetable garden and listen to the history of the village. Then join gardening activities in preparing the land, fertilizing with seaweed, raking the ground, sowing, watering, picking vegetables… Enjoy foot soak and foot massage before getting to preparing dinner with a local family. Join cooking with ‘Tam Huu’ spring roll, ‘Banh xeo’ – a local pancake of people in Viet Nam middle region … After your afternoon excursions and dinner, you learn how to harvest and wrap the vegetables. Bid farewell to your host family before back to your hotel by bus. End the tour.

Time: ½ day

Tra Que is a charming little village located just a few kilometres from Northeast of Hoi An. Its location is between De Vong river and Tra Que alga pond (Cam Ha commune - Hoi An town). This village is famous for many kinds of vegetables in a long time: lettuce,…
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